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Agens koji se obično koristi za uklanjanje masti i tragova ljepila, a služi za otapanje ljepila i vlakana na bazi celuloze.

Vezivna komponenta akrilne kiseline, koja se koristi za proizvodnju akrilnih ljepila.

Osnova za proizvodnju akrilnih ljepila.


An edge, e.g. edge of a table,frame etc., cut at an angle.

Used to describe a manufactured good which decomposes naturally and quickly to become growth or fertilizing element particles for plants.

Proizvodi i materijali koji se raspadaju brzo i prirodnim putem.

A woven or braided strip made for decorative purposes.

Kapica ili cjevčica koja regulira i usmjerava tok ljepila u kartušama (npr. Kod montažnih ljepila, silikona i sl).

C4H8 Colourless liquide used as an industrial solvent.


French public research institute aimed at improving the comfort and security in the construction sector. Cf.British private sector institute BRE group.

Code used to describe a plywood which is resistant to dampness and water. These codes refer to established standards. Ex. in U.K. WBP plywood.

Code used to describe a type of plywood.

A paint using one colour in several tonal variations.

The action of a liquid (elevation or depression) in relation to solids whether by contact or simple proximity.

Protein or fibre obtained from milk and used as a binding element in paint.

Adjective referring to the reaction of an ion or group of ions in cathode, that is to say when the electrical charge exits in an electrolyser.

Earliest plastic manufactured from nitrocellulose and camphor.

(C6H100R)n Carbohydrate component to be found in the walls of vegetable cells.

Containing cellulose or a component of the cellulose family.

Name for a solid compact mass of distinct elements (wood for example).

Very resistant PVC  which is not subject to corrosion.

A tool used in carpentry or building which enables two elements to be placed in contact mechanically.

Multi-layer plastic obtained from extrusion.

Covered with a thin plastic layer.

Mixture of ether and alcohol.

Chemical compound of macromolecules made up of different monomers.

A light, thin fabric with a wrinkled surface.

Refers to the modification of a polymer through the linking of micromolecules.

An adhesive derived from cyanoacrylic acid enabling a particularly solid bonding.

A product derived from cyanoacrylate.


Predstavlja uslove za najbolje performanse ljepila za drvo.

Za unutrašnje prostore, gdje temperatura samo povremeno prelazi 50C, pod uslovom da vlaga u drvetu ne prelazi 15%.

Predstavlja uslove za najbolje performanse ljepila za drvo.

Za unutrašnje prostore koji su kratkoročno izloženi tekućoj vodi ili kondenzu, i/ili povremenoj visokoj vlažnosti zraka, pod uslovom da vlaga u drvetu ne prelazi 18%.

Predstavlja uslove za najbolje performanse ljepila za drvo.

Za unutrašnje prostore koji su kratkoročno izloženi tekućoj vodi ili kondenzu, i/ili povremenoj visokoj vlažnosti zraka, kao i za vani, na mjestima koja nisu direktno izložena padavinama (npr. Ispod krova i sl).

Predstavlja uslove za najbolje performanse ljepila za drvo.

Za unutrašnje prostore koji su dugoročno izloženi tekućoj vodi ili kondenzu, i/ili povremenoj visokoj vlažnosti zraka. Za vani, na mjestima koja su izložena velikim promjenama vremena.

Working table used to prepare wall paper.

Product derived from the degradation of starch through heating or hydrolysis used to make glues.

A joint which takes into account movements due to severe temperature variations.

Junction agent between polymers and elastomers.

Manufactured in order to have two levels.


Also called PSE. It's a white and solid foam usually used to protect objects.

Elastic polymer extracted from the rubber tree (Amazonian forest) and which includes rubber, latex, neoprene and silicon.

Svi materijali, kao što su prirodna ili sintetička guma, koji se uvijek vraćaju u prvobitni oblik. Npr, lateks, neopren, silicon, Flextec, PUR.

A decoration made up of projecting intercrossing lines.

Continious diffusion of one liquid into another which produces a heterogeneous environment.

Ljepila napravljena od dvije komponente (smola i učvršćivač). Poznati su i jako cijenjeni zbog svoje izuzetne snage, visoke izdržljivosti i širine namjene. Epoksidi se generalno prodaju u tubama, špricama ili patronama.

Cyclic ether entering into the preparation of solvent and plastics.

That which encloses epoxide.

Macromolecular compound made of cyclic ethers entering into the preparation of solvent and plastics.

Gorivo na bazi alkohola, destiliranog iz biljaka, kao što su kukuruz ili šećer. Koristi se za uklanjanje viška ljepila, i to prije očvršćivanja.

C2H4 Hydrocarbon also called R1150. Part of the creation of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and in various plastic materials.

Polyethylene where the volume has been augmented.

Type of expanded vinyl wall paper.

Referring to the action of pushing plastic through a spinneret in order to fluidify it.


Action of filling-up a crack or a hole.

Refers to something which is covered with a substance and which will only burn with great difficulty.

Da bi fizički reaktivna ljepila očvrsnula potrebno je ili da tečnost ispari ili da se temperatura snizi. Npr. Ljepilo za vruće lijepljenje, kontaktna ljepila, akrili i sl.

Technology enabling the making of flexible bondings in extreme conditions while still keeping a high tack.

Patentirana tehnologija iz Henkela, koja nudi visoku fleksibilnosti i višestranost za za najbolje performanse lijepljenja i zaptivanja, čak i u ekstremnim uslovima. Bez otapala je, i izocijanata.Flextec formula se suši pri kontaktu sa vlagom.

Putting down parquet flooring by fitting together the planks, without fixing them on the ground.

Wooden parquet type flooring when the planks are not fixed on the floor but only fitted together.

System allowing the sticking of frames.

Product preventing fungus growth.

A term used to qualify a product which protects wood against lignivorous micro-plants and preventing their coming back.


Ploče od gipsa.

C3H803 By-product of the reaction of saponification taking place in the making of various medecines but also in the manufacture of cellophane.

Horizontalna potpora iznad prozora i vrata, koja pridržava ostale elemente (cigle, kamen).

A joint surrounding the contours of an element such as a floor tile.


Ovakvim ljepilima je potrebna hemijska reakcija da bi očvrsnula. Mogu se aktivirati kroz kontakt sa vlagom ili drugom komponentom. Mogu se koristiti na svim materijalima (upijajućim i neupijajućim) i ne skupljaju se nakon očvršćivanja. Primjer su: Flextec, epoksidi, poliuretan, cijanakrilati i silikoni.

C7H16 Hydrocarbon.

Asortiman ljepila namijenjen za različite umjetničke projekte, kao i za rukotvorine. Pogodan je za većinu materijala, kao što su papir, karton, platno, felc i staklo. Hobby ljepila su transparentna i ne ostavljaju tragove na površinama koje se lijepe.

Qualifies a physical contact melted-form glue.

Polymer, the terminations of which have been modified artificially in order to increase adhesion.

An element composed of carbon and hydrogen, but also referring to oil and natural gas.

A science measuring the properties of water.


Snaga koja se postiže odmah po primjeni ljepila (često se naziva i „Initial tack“).

C=N=O compuesto orgánico utilizado en la fabricación de papel, adhesivo, textil y para el aislamiento.

Čestice drveta zbijene u obliku ploča.

Organski sastojak koji se koristi za proizvodnju ljepila, tekstila i izolacija. Čest je sastojak PUR pjena i otrovan je dok se ne stvrdne.


Ljepilo koje nije potrebno miješati sa drugom komponentom, kako bi očvrsnulo.


Osnovni protein mlijeka, često može biti prisutan u ljepilima za drvo.

Ljepila čija primjena podrazumijeva nanošenje na obje strane koje je potrebno lijepiti. Prije spajanja, potrebno je da se ljepilo osuši (otapalo mora ispariti), nakon čega se momentalno stvara veza, te se predmeti više ne mogu pomjerati.

Maksimalna snaga lijepljenja, koje ljepilo postiže nakon određenog vremena (najčešće 24h). Pogledajte Vrijeme sušenja.


Also called liquefied petroleum gas. Residue from oil extraction generally used as fuel.

Referring to a material made up of several identical layers stuck together by a resin or silicon.

Odnosi se na materijale napravljene od nekoliko identičnih slojeva, spojenih zajedno ljepilom.

Action of levelling a wall or relief i.e. raised surface.

Odnosi se lijepljenje ljepilom u pasti, namijenjenom za drvo, papir i sl. Najčešće se koristi za tapete, postere i sl.

Horizontal support above a door, window or bay window holding up the remaining masonery.

Ljepilo koje se koristi za lijepljenje različitih vrsta drveta, te materijala na bazi drveta. Često je na bazi poliuretana ili polivinil alkohola.

Ljepilo koje se treba zagrijati/otopiti prije primjene. Kako se hladi, postaje čvrsto, što može trajati do jedne minute, u zavisnosti od materijala. Najčešće se prodaje u patronama koje dolaze uz električni pištolj. Pištolj služi za zagrijavanje patrona. Ljepilo za vruće lijepljenje je izuzetno transparentno i kao takvo, idealno za ručne radove, dekoracije, popravke i sl.


Methyl Cellulose eXtra Glue for wall paper.

Medium Density Fiberboard. Wood fiber composite of medium density mainly used in decorating and fitting-out.

Kompozit od vlakana drveta, srednje gustoće, koji se najčešće koristi za dekoracije i opremanje.

Polymer Silicone Sealant.

A tube made mainly of rubber used in the car industry to convey air or fuel from different parts of the engine.

Instrument koji se koristi za mjerenje pritiska tečnosti ili gasa.

A model which enables the tracing out of certain objects or for respecting reglementary dimensions of an object.

Also called Thion. An organic compound comparable to alcohols which has the particularity of reacting with mercury ions. Mercaptan is characterised by its strong and unpleasant smell.

An action which aims at removing the oxides from the surface of a metal.

A water soluble compound to be found in water based paints, textil size and in the making of cardbooards.

Tip alkohola koji se koristi za čišćenje različitih površina. Npr, prije primjene, montažne trake, budite sigurni da su površine čiste, potpuno suhe i bez masti, prašine i sl.

Koristi se za lijepljenje predmeta, bez korištenja tradicionalnih pričvršćivača, kao što su šarafi ili ekseri. Montažna ljepila su dostupna u kartušama, tubama, te bocama pod pritiskom.

Postavljanje (npr. Kuhinjske police, lajsne i sl).

A mixture of sand, cement and water for building and redering purposes.

Refers to the action of pasting up wallpaper with a pressing movement from the centre to the sides.


Sintetička guma koja je jedan od sastojaka kontaktnih ljepila. Kontaktno ljepilo na bazi neoprena se naročito preporučuje kod sklapanja i furnira koji bi trebali biti temperaturno otporni i do +120 °C.

Also called polychloroprene, neoprene is a synthetic rubber.

Materijali kao što su metali i plastika, koji nemaju sposobnost upijanja tečnosti (npr. Voda, otapala i sl).

Za lijepljenje materijala, gdje su oba neupijajuća, potrebno je hemijski reaktivno ljepilo.

Collodion is the term given to jellified nitrocellulose.

Zaglađivanje podova do određene debljine.

A cellulose and polyester fibre based textile which is particulary resistant and easy to put up.

A narrow tube enabling a liquid to be injected into an orifice or onto a surface.


Strands coming from hemp or linen.

Presvučeno tankim slojem plastike.

Premaz koji povećava adheziju ljepila ili boje.

Tečna, organska supstanca koja ima osobinu da otapa druge supstance, bez mijenjanja njihovih hemijskih osobina. Neka otapala mogu biti štetna (npr. Aceton, etanol).

Odnosi se na materijal prekriven supstancama koje sprječavaju gorenje.

Materijal koji se često nalazi unutar metalnih i plastičnih zidova, frižidera i zamrzivača, kao i iza papirnih, metalnih i drugih površina unutar panela za termo izolaciju.

Proces u kojem ljepila prolaze molekularnu reakciju, nakon čega postaju čvrsta. Za očvršćivanje je često potrebna vlaga ili druga komponenta (npr. Kod epoksidnih tehnologija).


Also calledTéflon®. CF2-CF2 polymer with high resistance to chemical products, heat. Can be found on non adhesive coatings.

Also called Polyurethane. Urethane polymer used in wood glue due to its water resistance.

Referring to the action of putting glue  or paste on an object. Glue for wood, paper etc. paste for wallpaper, posters etc.

Polymer used in making glues and adhesives.

Physical contact glue. Adhesion takes place with the evaporation of solvent.

Resin resisting to the temperature variations mainly used in the building sector and in the transport industry.

Chains of polymers which join together when in contact with light and which form a network.

A supporting length of wood used in construction work. Sometimes called a bracket.

Paste coming from the scattering of polymer powder in a plasticizer.

Postavljanje parketa na način da se daske spajaju, a ne lijepe za pod.

Postavljanje parketnih podova spajanjem daski, bez lijepljenja za pod.

Meka, otporna i zapaljiva plastika (npr. Kese za smeće).

Sintetički materijal na bazi polimera, lagan i otporan na vremenske uvjete i koroziju. Poliester se koristi za izradu vlakana, tekstila, plastike i ljepila.

Plastika niske gustoće, koju može lijepiti tek nekolicina ljepila. Može se topiti i remodelirati, jer se vraća u čvrsto stanje, mekša je od polipropilena (PP).

Makromolekule koje se sastoje od ponovljenih monomera. Ljepila na bazi polimera se cijene zbog svoje različite namjene, fleksibilnosti, snage i niskog nivoa skupljanja.

Transparentni tip termoplastike (polimer koji se pri izlaganju visokim temperaturama pretvara u tečnost). Polimetil se sadrži u ljepilima za vruće lijepljenje.

Plastika niske gustoće, koja se teško lijepi. Česta je u pakiranjima za hranu, kućnim aparatima, auto industriji i sl.

Formula na bazi polimera, koja sadrži i izocijanat.

Supstanca bez mirisa, boje i okusa, koja se koristi u bojama, ljepilima i silikonima za upijajuće površine. Često se sarži u ljepilima za drvo.

Fleksibilna plastika, glatke površine, koristi se za izolaciju telefonskih kablova, nosećih cijevi i crijeva.

Acrylic bind which polymerises while drying, taking on the aspect of thick paste in strong glues.

Polymers used in the making of plastic material in the textil industry.

A soft, resistant and inflammable plastic.

Plastic waterproof film used in the making of barriers against water and vapor.

Known under the abbreviation PBI. A very resistant Synthetic fibre  more particularly used in the making of ropes and joints which are very resistant to high temperature.

Very frequently called neoprene. Synthetic elastomer.

Polymers which patterns are related by ester functions.

Bi composant glue.

Plastic material.

Macromolecule composed of a repeated pattern. Among these polymers, we can count rubber, cellulose, polyamide and polyethylene.

Jointing of several identical molecules (pattern) to form a polymer macromolecule.

Referring to the action of joining several identical molecules to form a polymer.

Transparent thermoplastic.

CnH2n+2On Also called glycol or polyalcohol, is used in making foam.

Also called PP (CH2-CH-CH3)n Polymer with a propylene pattern used in the car industry, for plastic pieces such as a bumpers, but also in  food packaging and in types of paper.

Polymer used in various adhesive products but also in varnishes and non-driving films.

Also called PS. Coming from the polymerisation of styren. It Is most commonly used under its expanded form as a white protective foam. Also present in the making of rigid plastic and food packaging.

(CH2=CH2)n Plastic at the root of inert plastic also called under the abbrevation PE, usually used in plastic bags.

Also called PU. Urethane polymer used in wood glue due to its water resistance.

Also called polyvinyl polymer. One of the main components of white glue.

CH2-CH-O-COH3 thermoplastic polymer used in the elaboration of adhesives, films, varnishes and paints.

Also called Polychloride vinyl. CH2=CHCl Combination of chloride and polyvinyl which is part of the conception of an ester or ether. Polymer usually used in the sticking and soldering but also in the creation of various types of plastic such as the one used for pipes.

Mixture of monomer and polymer aiming at polymerization.

An instrument for measuring the pressure of a fluid.

Coating which increases the adhesion of a floor, or of paint.


Polymerization of radical chemical species.

That which removes or strips.


A synthetic rubber, also called Styrene butadiene rubber, present in tyres, chewing gum and in cars.

A residue of bacterial development in the form of white fibres on walls or floors of buildings.

A product which effectively removes the oxides from the surface of a metal.

Referring to the action of causing all the bumps, and depressions on the ground.

That which combines or unites hetergenous elements automatically.

Describes the manner by which part of a construction is held up by wooden or metal joists.

Also called polysiloxane. Polymer allowing, in different forms, the manufacturing of plenty of products. It can take a liquid form, sopple, solid and can be found in glues, sealants and other adhesives.

Polimer napravlje od silicijuma, kisika i organskih materijala. Silikonske formule su elastične i otporne na vodu i temperature. Dobar su primjer za hemijsko stvrdnjavanje, jer se stvrdnjavaju u kontaktu sa zrakom.

A fiber textile derived from a mexican plant (agave) used to make cord and certain textiles.

The lower part of a wall or pillar in contact with the ground. Often added to the base of a wall.

A substance possessing the quality of being able to dissolve other substances without altering or degrading their chemical properties.

That which contains a solvent

Asortiman ljepila namijenjen za posebnu upotrebu. Za svaki materijal se može naći posebno ljepilo (kožu, porculan, polistiren, obuću, guma, tekstil).

Karakteristika koju imaju samo pojedina ljepila, a koja podrazumijeva popunjavanje šupljina ili pukotina između dvije površine.

Containing starch.

Alat koji se često koristi u građevinarstvu i stolarstvu, kako bi se spriječilo pomjeranje ili odvajanje zalijepljenih dijelova.

Ako se ne koristi instant ljepilo, potrebno je koristiti stegu, kako bi se osigurali predmeti, dok se ljepilo ne osuši.

Tip plastike koji je lagan, otporan na vlagu i predstavlja odličnu izolaciju. Sadržaj mu je 90% zrak. Za ovaj specifični materijal, Pattex ima specijalizirano ljepilo za stiropor.

An element undergoing changes which are examined after a chemical reaction.

SO2OH Can be found in certain salts and esters.

Otopine za instant lijepljenje, još se nazivaju i cijanoakrilatima. Poznati se po svojoj izuzetnoj snazi lijepljenja, nakon samo par sekundi. Obično se prodaju u tubicama.

Element podložan promjenama, koje su vidljive nakon hemijske reakcije.

A two part molecule one of which reacts to water and the other to oily substances. These molecules are particularly present in detergents.

Proces tokom kojeg isparavaju voda ili otapala, nakon čega ljepilo postaje čvrsto.


Inicijalna snaga lijepljenja.

Properties of immediate support of a glue or a sealant. The glued object is instantly maintained on a surface (even vertical) but it hasn't got all the adhesive properties of glue. It is important to wait until it is dry, according to the guidelines, before subjecting the object to any pressure.

Gives instant adhesion. This adhesion is nevertheless not definitive and a defined drying period is neccessary before subjecting the glued object to any pressure. This drying time lapse is indicated on the product.

Application and drying time before sticking of a layer of adhesive on a surface.

Also called polyetrafluorethylene or PTFE. Polymer with a high resistance  to chemical products and heat, can also be found in non adhesive coatings.

Plastični materijal, izuzetno otporan na hemikalije, koroziju i oksidaciju. Može izdržati temperature i do 250 °C i ništa se ne lijepi na njega. Koristi se za proizvodnju za različitu opremu, kao što su cijevi ili oblaganje kuhinjskog pribora.

Koristi se opisivanje supstanci koje se lijepe nakon lijepljenja/zagrijavanja (npr. Ljepilo za vruće lijepljenje).

Tip plastike koji se može otopiti i remodelirati, nakon čega se vraća u čvrsto stanje (npr. Ljepilo za vruće lijepljenje, PE, PP).

Also called tetrahydrofurane. Ether is usually used as a solvent.

Measure of the humidity of a place according to the heat and the pourcentage of humidity present.

Used to describe a substance which gives rise to adhesion when heated.

Polymer having the particularity of becoming liquid, soft due to heat and also to become malleable.

To modify the speed of a chemical reaction without modifiying the end product of the reaction.

Referring to the action of pushing plastic through a spinneret in order to fluidify it.

The action of releasing a liquid that seeps in contact with walls.

Describes a surface marked with cavities or grooves.

To apply and drying time before sticking a layer of adhesive on the surface.

To put at the same surface level a wall or raised surface.

Stick by exerting a pressure from the centre to the sides.

Referring to the action of putting paste on an object such as wallpaper.

Može se otopiti u vodi ili vodenom okruženju (npr. Šećer).

C2HCl3 Also called ethylene trichloride or trichlo. This is a chemical compound usually used as a solvent and which has the particularity of not being very inflammable.

Activity concerned with decorative details.

TUV ISO certificiranje predstavlja formalno priznanje proizvoda od strane TUV-a (Technischer Überwachungsverein, tj Udruge tehničkih inspekcija). Podrazumijeva ovjeru da proizvod zadovoljava najstrože evropske propise i da je kompletna specifikacija tačno navedena.


Smola koja čini ljepljivim ljepila, otporna na pritisak (npr. Power tape).

Ljepilo visoke snage koje je univerzalno i višenamjensko. Može lijepiti različite površine (čak i neupijajuće) u različitim uslovima. Višenamjensko je, fleksibilno i većinom transparentno. Univerzalno ljepilo se suši sporije od super ljepila (5-30 min), ali ima veću izdržljivost.

Referring to a non plastified PVC not subject to corrosion.

Može upiti tekućine (npr. Vodu, otapala). Materijali koji imaju dobru moć upijanja su drvo i papir. Nekim ljepilima je potrebna upijajuća podloga, kako bi se mogla osušiti (npr. Akrilna).

Synthetic glue.


Meki PVC.

Pogledajte PVA.

That which contains vinyl.

CH3COO-CH=CH2 Present in solution form in solvents. Also in the make up of certain textiles and paper.

Name given to a thermoplastic copolymer which possesses the characteristics of a thermofusible glue.

Supstance i materijali, na bazi vode, na kojima je najčešće naglašeno da su bez rastvarača.

Osigurava zaštitu od vlage i vode.

Vrijeme potrebno, da ljepilo postigne svoju potpunu snagu. Ukoliko se ne poštuje vrijeme sušenja, veza neće biti trajna.


Water Regulations Advisory Scheme concerned with the quality of water.

That which is soluble in water or in a watery environment.

Stock of intracellular carbohydrate soluble in water or in a aqueous environment.

That which offers a protection against dampness and water.

Refers to the width or length of a piece of wallpaper cut from a roll. By extension used also for a piece of cloth cut from a roll.


Materijal koji se koristi za zaptivanje, kako bi se osigurala otpornost na vodu i zrak (npr. Zaptivanje kade, lavaboa i sl). Dobar je izolator i elastičniji je od montažnih ljepila.

Dio zida ili stuba koji je u kontaktu sa podom. Često se stavlja na osnovicu zida.